Indian Ludo 3D



Indian Ludo 3D ( Ashta Chamma ) is one of the oldest and traditional turn based family board game of INDIA which is similar to Ludo game, this game is called by various names in different languages in different regions of India. This game is played with special dice called cowry shells and with different size grids with minimum of 2 players and maximum of 4 players.

Different names for the Indian Ludo:

• Ashta Chamma in Telugu ( Andhra Pradesh and Telangana regions of India )
• Chauka Bara, Katte Mane, Gatta Mane in Kannada ( Karnataka region of India )
• Pakidakali, Kavidi Kali in Malayalam ( Kerala region of India )
• Daayam or Thaayam in Tamil ( Tamil Nadu region of India )
• Kaana Duaa in Hindi ( Madhya Pradesh region of India )

Game features:
• Play with 3D real time physics based cowries
• Rotatable 3D view port
• Play with device players or with human players
• Attractive Animated Pawn movements and kill cam feature
• Play LAN game with your friends on Wi-Fi connection
• OnLine Game is an upcoming feature.
• Achivements
• Leader Boards

Like Ludo game Player must move all his four pawn to destination zone which is located at the center of the grid before other players do.

Game Rules:

1. When game starts all pawns are blocked at home zone, to release pawns player must roll 4 or 8. If player rolls 8 he/she can release up to 4 pawns(2 per each Pawn ). If player rolls 4 he/she can release up to 2 pawns.

2. Every player has a pre designed path to reach destination zone. So when player gets a number, then he/she needs to choose one of their released pawns and move it that many squares along the path designated for that player.

3. Only one pawn can stand on a zone or square except on a safe zone or square which marked with special design patterns. So if player X’s pawn stands on a zone and player Y’s pawn is moving to the same zone then player Y pawn can kill Player X’s pawn. Then player X’s pawn will go back to the starting zone and gets blocked again.

4. The game grid is divided into 3 lanes outer, middle and inner. Player has to kill at least one opponent’s pawn to enter into middle lane.(This rule excluded from my game)

5. When player rolls 4, 8 or kills opponent pawn he/she will get another chance to roll.

6. Reaching the central square: A pawn needs to reach the central square exactly. For example, if a pawn is 3 squares away from the center and the player throws a 4, then that pawn cannot be moved.

Unity Text Rendering Issue

Recently I have planned for a Telugu word game in unity and i have noticed that Unity text rendering system doesn’t work for some languages(Hindi, Telugu, Tamil etc..). The text looks broken, wrong order of alphabets and missing shapes etc…

Look into below image for better understanding.

This happens because unity doesn’t read/apply glyph positions (GPOS) and glyph substitutes (GSUB) from font file.

GPOS and GSUB tables information is necessary for these languages to render text properly.

I have searched for a solution, but i couldn’t find anything, So i thought to solve myself and tried some ideas.

Idea 1:

Create a native plugin to read GPOS and GSUB tables from font files.
Create a custom Text component and uni scribe text as per language rules
Apply GPOS and GSUB information and generate text mesh .

Pros: I can use downloaded TTF fonts, No need to create font asset.

Cons: Creating a native plugin is platform dependent. I have to write for all platforms.

Idea 2:

Create a custom font asset inside unity.
Design font from scratch using sprites and store alphabet information in font asset.
Create a custom Text component and uni scribe text as per language rules.
Read alphabets information from custom font asset and generate text mesh.

This idea is platform independent, But have to design font asset.

I followed the Idea no 2 and prepared flow charts

Click on the image to see full size.

Download Sample Telugu and Tamil Font:


Issue Tracker:

Here is the output.


There might be a better and easy solution for this issue, but for now this is the only idea i have. So i am using this for my upcoming game.